Our experience studying the education system of three European countries (Spain, Iceland, Finland) by Theodora Kostelidou (Greece)
19 December, 2016
Memories from Dublin by Marzena Bartosik (Poland)
5 July, 2017Absolutely recommendable! -MALAGA: Structured Educational Visit to schools and institutions by Birgit Drube-Block (Germany)
This course was the first of our school´s Erasmus+ KA 1 adventure. Meeting colleagues from so many different European countries gave us the chance to compare and discuss school systems and to learn from good practice in other European countries.
We had the opportunity to discuss didactics and methodology, to learn and to apply new teaching and learning approaches in theory and practice and – as a follow-up – transform them into integrative and cooperative action at our schools. By practical exercises we also acquired and expanded ICT competencies, and of course we all refreshed foreign language skills.
I was very impressed by all the modern, innovative, inclusive schools that we have been able to visit and where the future of teaching and learning has already begun – supported by the Andalusian government, implemented by motivated teachers, recognized by involved parents – for the benefit of the students.
The extension of the method spectrum, the improvement of professional competence and, of course, intercultural skills are just a few of the skills which were promoted. A network among participants could be established, contact is still kept by social media.
Personally, participating in this course caused increased motivation and work satisfaction. It raised my awareness of individual learning needs and build up a higher understanding of cultural differences – learning by doing being the best means to achieve a higher professional level in teaching.
This course was definitely enriching: it supported the development, strengthening and mediating of all participants´ European awareness.
To keep it short and simple: the lectures were excellent, the cultural programme amazing and the Malaga team simply gorgeous! Thank you for this wonderful experience!
Birgit Drube-Block, Germany