4 noviembre, 2020

Report: Erasmus+ In-Service European Program for Teachers

Talking to People: Inquiry-based and Cooperative Methodology We recently received a warm-hearted letter from a participant on one of English Matters´courses, accompanied by a report she […]
15 octubre, 2020

“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth”- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

One of the key elements of Erasmus+ projects is showcasing the work that has been done. Sharing experiences, lessons learned and outcomes outside of the participating […]
8 octubre, 2020

National Agencies support Blended Learning Courses and Online modalities of training for Erasmus+ KA1

Excelente oportunidad para seguir adelante con tu proyecto  Erasmus+ : los cursos Blended Learning de English Matters te dan la posibilidad de comenzar tu curso  con […]
17 julio, 2020

The best places to eat meatballs in Stockholm

IKEA made them famous worldwide in the 1980´s and since then, meatballs have become one of the most representative and popular dishes from Swedish cuisine. Meatballs […]
10 julio, 2020

Unique places you should visit in Dublin

Known for its pubs, alleyways and friendly citizens, Dublin is the world’s 50th most popular city according to The Top 100 City Destinations report from global market […]