4 noviembre, 2020

Report: Erasmus+ In-Service European Program for Teachers

Talking to People: Inquiry-based and Cooperative Methodology We recently received a warm-hearted letter from a participant on one of English Matters´courses, accompanied by a report she […]
15 octubre, 2020

“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth”- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

One of the key elements of Erasmus+ projects is showcasing the work that has been done. Sharing experiences, lessons learned and outcomes outside of the participating […]
8 octubre, 2020

National Agencies support Blended Learning Courses and Online modalities of training for Erasmus+ KA1

Excelente oportunidad para seguir adelante con tu proyecto  Erasmus+ : los cursos Blended Learning de English Matters te dan la posibilidad de comenzar tu curso  con […]
12 julio, 2017

My adventure of discovering new methods in teaching by Vivienne Boyd-Deak (Germany)

There it was again: that buzz. Sitting among other participants in an auditorium in Trinity College, Dublin in July 2016, this is what struck me first. […]
12 junio, 2017

Absolutely recommendable! -MALAGA: Structured Educational Visit to schools and institutions by Birgit Drube-Block (Germany)

This course was the first of our school´s Erasmus+ KA 1 adventure. Meeting colleagues from so many different European countries gave us the chance to compare […]